Fall Prevention Discussion on CBS6


Podiatrist Mitchell Waskin and Physical Therapist Stephanie Sultzer joined Bill Bevins on Virginia This Morning on CBS6.


Every second of every day in the United States, an older adult falls. This is the number one cause of death from injury among older Americans. Stephanie Sultzer and Dr. Waskin joined Bill Bevins to talk about it on Virginia This Morning.


Keeping one’s balance involves a combination of things working together: inner ear function, vision, the ability to feel with one’s feet on the ground, muscle strength, flexibility and more. Balance therapy can help patients reduce their risk of falling, but it’s important that they continue to follow the therapist’s instructions, even after therapy sessions have ended, to maintain their results.


The podiatrists and physical therapists at The Foot & Ankle center have developed a comprehensive Fall Prevention & Balance program, in which we work with patients to improve their balance. We also address environmental factors in the home, behavioral risk factors, footwear, assistive devices, nutrition and water intake, which all factor into balance. Our program also includes following through with patients after therapy. We call and talk to them personally, ask if they have any questions, if they need new exercises, new directions, or if they need to come in for another consultation. We can also connect them with a local gym to help them maintain their results.


Maintaining balance and preventing falls is a lifelong challenge that increases with age. The Foot & Ankle Center’s Fall Prevention & Balance Program can help patients of any age improve and maintain their balance. For more information, please give us a call, or use the link below to request an appointment.


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